1 Corinthians 12 - 12.19.23

Scripture:  1 Corinthians 12:4 – 6 (NIV) – There are different kinds of spiritual gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.


Observation:  Chapter 12 was written to help the Corinthian church. Many were quarreling about the gifts from God. Some thought their gift was better than others. I can understand, in the flesh, how they went down that path. Our flesh is prideful and can creep into our Christian lives. Instead of chastising the church, Paul eloquently explains the gifts, where the gifts come from and how they are to be used. He helps us to understand that if God is the giver of gifts, there should be no quarreling about the gifts. Each gift is special. Verse 4 – 6 explains it all:  God is in the midst of every spiritual gift, He is the one who gives each gift, is behind every kind of service, and works within us.


Application: We all have unique gifts and each one is given to us by the Spirit. Each gift serves a purpose but no one gift is better than another. There are many gifts but one mission in using the gifts: to serve Him and the body of Christ. What a great God we serve! God not only saved us and gave the gift of eternal life, but He also bestowed special gifts and abilities to use for His service. I am in awe of God’s love for us with all these gifts! God is so good!! In the end, each gift is meant to bring unity and diversity into the body of Christ – the church. The key is to find your gift and then use it!


Prayer:  Lord, thank you for all of your gifts. First the gift of salvation but also the gifts of the Spirit. Help me to recognize each gift of the Sprit and how you want it used in my life. Give me your boldness to use them, and your humbleness to serve. Help me to remember that each gift is special and yet no one gift is better than another. Ultimately you’re the great giver of gifts and each one is specially designed for each person. Help me to use your gifts in unity with others for your church. Let there only be unity and no division in your church. Direct my life, my words, my actions, and all your gifts to glorify you. In Jesus mighty name!

- Mary Oberg


1 Corinthians 13 - 12.20.23


Psalm 34 - 12.18.23