1 Corinthians 15 - 12.22.23

Scripture - Pick one verse that stood out to you.

1 Corinthians 15:22, 42-44

For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive. 

So will it be with the resurrection of the dead. The body that is sown is perishable, it is raised imperishable; it is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power; it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body.

Observation - What about this verse stands out to you?

The church of Corinth was dealing with a false theology that was being preached alongside the teachings of the apostles, the resurrection of Christ was being contradicted by a group of believers who were saying that it never happened.

Paul responds by pointing out the resurrection of Christ was one of the main points in the gospel of Jesus that the apostles, the authoritative witnesses of Jesus’s ministry on earth, had been sharing.

Paul, drives his counter-argument further by sharing the hope that we all have in Jesus. While we all die, our hope is that because of Christ, we may yet still live.

Application - How will you apply this to your life?

As I fast until 12 pm every day this week, Lord, I will honor Your Life and Your Message by constantly reflecting on the power you have over my natural body. I will fast daily unto you. And I will change my spirit and my mind to align more fully with you this week.

Prayer - Write out a prayer.

Lord, I pray that you will help me to see. When the world gives me the impression that all I have left is my body, may I look forward to my future in You. Though I feel weak, dishonorable, perishable - natural; I will remember that Christ rose from the dead. In the name of Jesus I can be raised imperishable, in glory, in power, and as a spiritual body.

In the name of Jesus do I pray, amen.

-kenneth lee


1 Corinthians 16 - 12.25.23


Psalm 37 - 12.21.23