1 Corinthians 7 - 3.11.22



1 Corinthians 7:32

I would like you to be free from concern. An unmarried man is concerned about the Lord’s affairs—how he can please the Lord.


Observation – What does it say?

The apostle Paul is writing to the believers in Corinth about singleness and marriage and somewhat weighs out the pros and cons to each when it comes to following Jesus. In this verse he is pointing out that those who are unmarried, like the Apostle Paul himself, are free from concern about their spouse so they can be more concerned with God’s affairs.


Understanding - What does it mean?

The goal is to be concerned about the things of God.


We know God invented marriage and that it’s a gift from him. And, Paul clearly states that the man who wishes to marry should do so and that it’s not a sin. Paul’s desire is not to start a celibacy movement, but for those who feel compelled and are able to, to not take on new roles or responsibilities that would compromise their focus on the Lord. The focus here, and what stood out to me, is the motive behind Paul’s advice: That we be fully concerned about the things of God.

 In our lives that are so busy, many of us wearing so many hats (son, father, friend, employee, brother, spouse, etc.), it can be easy to push the things of God to the back burner as we try to keep all the other plates spinning; so consumed with the temporary that we lose sight of the eternal.

 We can find ourselves concerned about completing our education, then building our career, then building our family, then getting the bigger house, then saving for retirement. And before you know it our life has passed, and we never gave ourselves fully to the things of God.


Life Application

Concern myself with God’s affairs!

Look for what God is doing and join him!


I was challenged today by Tina, who I affectionately refer to as my ‘church mom.’ She was asked today, “You’ve experienced a lot in life so far but what is it that you still want to do?”

She responded with, “I just want to grow and be used by God to win the lost.”

The follow up question came to her, “That’s great! But what else?”

Tina didn’t’ hesitate, “That’s it. I just really want to be used by God.”


Tina is married and has plenty of things on her plate. And, while she has great concern for her husband (you should see her eyes light up when she talks about him) and all the people and needs in her life, caring for them so well, she has chosen to consume herself with the things of God!

 God, may we all be like Tina. Although we have many roles and responsibilities, may we not lose sight of eternity. May we make it our highest goal and #1 priority every day to love you and be used by you. Amen.

 -Levi Thompson


Psalm 120-3.14.22


1 Samuel 23- 03.10.22