1 John 5 - 7.19.23


I John 5:3-4 In fact, this is love for God: to keep his commands. And his commands are not burdensome, for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.



In his death on the cross, Jesus entered into mortal combat with the powers of darkness and overcame them in his death. When by faith we appropriate the benefits of his atoning work, we enter into the power by which he gained this victory and thus in him we have (and do) overcome the world. (Asbury Bible Commentary)



In multiple places in the bible, it says that if we love God, we will keep His commands. But how can we do that when we are all sinners? We can try as hard as we can, and we are still destined to fail. Following God’s commands all the time seems impossible. But that is when we are trying in our own strength.


Through faith, we believe that Jesus conquered sin. By faith, we must believe that Jesus, living in us, empowers us with that same victory over sin. We don’t have to fight and strive – we have to believe. There is power in the name of Jesus – sin you have no hold on me!



God, help me to remember today that the battle is already won. I don’t have to fight, I have to believe. And if I believe, then your commands are not burdensome. I have the power of Jesus on my side. 

- Debbie Dunn


2 John 1 - 7.20.23


1 John 4 - 7.18.23