1 Peter 1 - 7.3.23
1 Peter 1:15 NLT
“But now you must be holy in everything you do, just as God who chose you is holy.”
Peter is writing the Church here and he is calling them to live holy lives; lives that are set apart and dedicated to God.
“So you must live as God’s obedient children. Don’t slip back into your old ways of living to satisfy your own desires. You didn’t know any better then.”-1 Peter 1:14
Just like a child imitates what their parents do, I must imitate what Jesus did.
Do you remember that Anti-Drug Commercial from the 80’s? In that commercial you have a father who approaches his son. In the father’s hand is a small box filled with illegal drugs. The father then tells the son that his mom found that box in his room. So the father begins to grill his son yelling: “Where did you get this stuff?! Who taught you how to do this stuff?!” To which the son sharply replies: “You alright!!! I learned it from watching you!”
I’m sure that was a very effective commercial for parents to be mindful of what they are exposing their kids to. Our children are smart, and they tend to imitate what they see their parents do.
Now we, who put our faith in Jesus, are now children of God. And we are called as His children, to imitate everything He does. And unlike that child in that commercial I just spoke of, who didn’t quite have that father/role model to look up to; we as children of God have the perfect role model to look up to and imitate. You see, our Father in Heaven, loves us so much He came down from Heaven and became flesh, (in Jesus), and showed us exactly how we should live our lives. He loved and honored God. He submitted to the Father’s ways. He loved others, and loved them so much He was even willing to die for them. ❤️
Now I’m far from perfect. Only Jesus is. But I will strive each day to be more and more like Him in everything I do.
Father God, I pray for Your forgiveness for whenever I fall short of Your standards. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit, and help me to be obedient to Your Holy Spirit so I can live a life that is holy and pleasing to You. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
-Moses Gaddi