1 Peter 2 - 2.7.25

SOAP: ‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭2‬:‭9‬-‭10‬ ‭

Scripture: “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.” ‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭2‬:‭9‬-‭10‬


Peter gives 4 descriptions of who we are:

  • Chosen people

  • Royal priesthood 

  • Holy nation

  • God’s special possession

Looking at them, I love how they progress in depth. Also, each position has a descriptive adjective adding to the meaning. 

First, out of all the people on earth He chose us. When I need to choose something I don’t grab the first thing I see, but carefully decide what is best.  We need to walk in the knowledge that we are chosen, picked out for something better. 

Then, we are a royal priesthood. The word royal implies we are serving the king. The priests were set apart for special service in the temple. They offered the sacrifices. Being royal is a greater honor. People who are royal walk differently. More is expected of them. 

Next, a holy nation. A nation is a group of people united with common bonds, location, government, and purpose. We are “holy” because of Jesus’s sacrifice on the cross for us. He is our Head, the cornerstone as mentioned in the previous verse.  We are not on this journey alone. 

Lastly, Peter says we are God’s special possession. We are bought with the ultimate price. We are special to God, treasured by Him above all else. People have possessions they treasure. There have been so many stories lately of the one thing people saved or mourn that they lost  in the fire. We are God’s one thing. 


We are all of the above “that you may declare …”

I want to walk as a person who truly believes and walks out all I am to God. 

Focusing on that will have a huge impact on how I view myself and others. Then, my actions will be more purposeful. 

God called me out of darkness into His wonderful light. There’s another adjective, one that means joy-bringing, delightful, beyond good.  How can I not share His goodness with others?

I want to be grateful for the mercy I have received and be God’s vessel to share that mercy with others. 


Father God, Thank you for choosing me. I do not deserve it, but your love saw something in me and you give me purpose.  Jesus, thank you for dying for me. What a concept you were the sacrificial lamb, rose again, and now are our High Priest. What a testimony of the change God brings. Nothing is impossible. Holy Spirit, thank you for living in me reminding me of the truths of God, showing me the way to go, and speaking to me how to pray and speak. 

Lord, I surrender to you. Please help me remember who I am, chosen, holy, royal, and special so that I may declare all you speak to me to a world who needs to hear how you love them. 


-Cindy Howard


1 Peter 5 - 2.8.25


1 Peter 1 - 02.06.25