1 Peter 4 - 9.2.22

Scripture - What stood out?

1 Peter 4:6

For this is the reason the gospel was preached even to those who are now dead, so that they might be judged according to human standards in regard to the body, but live according to God in regard to the spirit.

Observation - What does it say?

Peter writes encouragement to the believers in Christ that will suffer for and because of their belief in Christ. He reminds them what this is all about – life. God wants us all to live. And it’s not just the living that God is interested in, but those that are spiritually dead as well. The ones who do not know God, are alive in the body, but dead in spirit.

Understanding - What does it mean?

I can still hear speaker and author Jo Saxton’s voice via internet streaming video in that (potentially) British accent. “And I heard God ask me, ‘When will I be your donut, Jo?’”. The author had shared a story about her childhood. A story about longing. A story about comfort. A story that led to a most amazing donut in a donut shop window. And the author shared that over the years that donut came to embody security and comfort which the Lord revealed to her by asking her that question, “When will I be your donut?”

As I write this journal Lord, my mind and my body are screaming for a deeply fried, crispy salty treat. To help me deal with the stress. To help me deal with my day. To help me deal with my life! How easily I have replaced my comfort in you Lord, life in Your Spirit, with a comfort that isn’t alive. But I don’t want that for myself or for my family. I want us all to run to you for comfort first.

Life Application - How can I apply this to my life today?

I want to live according to God in regard to the spirit!

Lord, thank you for drawing me nearer to you this morning. I will not give up this battle against my flesh. Holy Spirit help me to live according to God’s Spirit! Help me to withstand what the world and my flesh are telling me to do. Lord for my life application today, I feel like the Holy Spirit is asking me to take that first step, again. Help me to fast this morning and afternoon Lord. I gladly give up my breakfast and lunch if it will bring my spirit into greater alignment with yours. Help me to discipline my spirit today Father. Help me to discipline my body.


1 Peter 5-9.5.22


1 Peter 3-9.1.22