1 Samuel 1-2.8.22


1 Samuel 1:10

"Deeply hurt, Hannah prayed to the Lord and wept with many tears. Making a vow, she pleaded, "Lord of Hosts, if You will take notice of Your servant's affliction, remember and not forget me, and give Your servant a son, I will give him to the Lord all his life..."


Hannah had been childless. God had closed her womb. As the days went on, she became very sad, even to the point of not wanting to eat, especially because her husband's other wife had children, but Hannah had none! Hannah was being provoked by her rival year after year because she had no children, and the constant provoking became extremely irritating to Hannah! She prayed to God. She pleaded for a son. She vowed that if He gave her a son, she would give him back to God. Hannah's prayer came from a deep longing within her. She desperately wanted a child, and, in time, God answered her, and took her up on the vow she had made to Him. The very thing she longed for was the very thing she vowed to give back to God. Because Samuel was really God's child, Hannah wasn't really giving him up, she was giving him back to be used by God. Hannah weaned him, and at about 3 years old she took him to the tabernacle to present him before the Lord. With her husband's permission, she dedicated Samuel to the Lord's service.


Hannah prayed, and the Lord granted her what she asked of Him.

After God answered her prayer, Hannah praised Him for bringing Samuel into the world, who by the way, went on to become one of the most significant figures in the Old Testament. God is sovereign, and He knew that Hannah would long for a son, dedicate her son, and that Samuel would be used to do God's will.


When we find ourselves longing for what seems impossible, and we cry out to God, He hears us! As long as we aren't asking selfishly, God honors and answers our prayers. Hannah's prayer was a prayer of faith. Her "faith full" prayer led to a "faith full" response.

Years ago after I got saved, I vowed to God that I would read the Bible every day of my life if He would help me get out of a personal problem that I was facing. He heard my prayer, and He graciously brought me the help I desperately needed, and I have kept my vow. Vows are oftentimes hard to keep, so when making them, we need to be careful, especially regarding the ones we make to God!

Like Hannah, I pray that the vow I made years ago will be kept until I take my last breath on earth.

Because I have experienced the love of God through His mercy and grace, I praise Him with my whole heart, and entrust my entire life to Him, as well as the lives of our two sons, two daughters in law, and our five grand children. I love them all, and entrust them into the loving hands of our ever-lasting Lord and Savior; Jesus Christ.

-Robin Orefice


Psalm 99-2.9.22


Acts 26-2.7.2022