1 Samuel 28-3.17.22


1 Samuel 28:17 NIV

“The Lord has done what he predicted through me. The Lord has torn the kingdom out of your hands and given it to one of your neighbors—to David.”


Saul contacts a medium in an attempt to gain guidance from Samuel, who had passed on.


After failing to get an answer from God, Saul consults a medium and he is able to contact Samuel. While talking to him, in the verse after this one, Samuel says it’s his inability to obey God that brought him here, and that he made Samuel his promise, which has finally come to pass. It’s comforting to know that God’s promises will always come to pass, obviously here for Saul it’s not, but for us it is.

Life Application

We need to take comfort in the fact that God’s promises never fail. They will always come to pass. It’s not always easy of course. Life always finds its way to hurt or distract us, but this is our comfort, our reason to rejoice.

-Anakin Cerda


3.18.22 - 1 Samuel 29


1 Corinthians 10-3.16.22