1 Thessalonians-06.02.22

SCRIPTURE: 1 Thessalonians 2:1-2 NIV

“You know, brothers and sisters, that our visit to you was not without results. We had previously suffered and been treated outrageously in Philippi, as you know, but with the help of our God we dared to tell you HIS gospel in the face of strong opposition.”


Paul and Silas visited the Church in Thessalonica to SHARE the Gospel—after—being persecuted and released from prison in Philippi for sharing the Gospel. As was their custom upon entering a town, they went to the Jewish Synagogue to show the Truth from the Old Testament that Jesus of Nazareth is the Promised Messiah.

Paul taught Three Saturdays. In this short span of time some of the Jews, many gentiles, and some leading women of the city were converted. That started a HUGE backlash among the non-believing Jews and a subsequent riot erupted. The believers were being accused of trying to overthrow Caesar. A serious accusation that came with a death penalty. This did not dissuade their faith. However, with the impending danger and persecution, the new believers felt it was best to usher Paul and Silas safely out of town at nighttime. (Precept Austin and Warren Wiersbe)


The FAITHFUL Steward

What Does it Mean to BE a Faithful Steward?

A Steward “owns” Nothing, but possesses AND uses everything that belongs to The Master.

AND, One Day—every steward must GIVE an Account of their stewardship.

IF they are found Un-faithful—they will suffer.

“Jesus also said to His Disciples:

There was a certain Rich Man who had a Steward,

and an Accusation was brought to HIM that this man was wasting HIS goods. So, HE called him and said, “What is this I hear about you?

GIVE an ACCOUNT of your STEWARDSHIP, for you can NO longer be a Steward.” (Luke 16:1-2 NKJV)

The Message of The Gospel is a Treasure that God has Entrusted to us as Stewards. We must not Bury it. We Must Invest it—SO it will MULTIPLY and Produce Spiritual Dividends to God’s Glory.

Some May Think they only need to protect the Gospel from those who would change it. BUT, we must SHARE it. Otherwise, we protect it in vain.

May I carefully consider Jesus Parable of The Talents: (Matthew 25:14)

Three servants were given a portion of gold (talents) from the Land Owner. Two INVESTED what they had been given and Doubled their Portion.

One BURIED what he had been given. A Long time passed until the Land Owner returned for the servants to give an “account” of their “Stewardship”.

The Two Servants that had Invested their portion were REWARDED abundantly. The One Servant who buried his portion was called “Wicked and Lazy” and “Everything he had was taken from him”. (Matthew 25: 26-28)


BE a Faithful Steward

Faithfulness is the Most Important quality in a Steward!

Lord Jesus,

The last word you spoke to your Disciples before you ascended into the sky was ONE command; GO make Disciples. You are returning one day. And we will need to give You an “Account”. Forgive me for the years I wasted as a believer, burying my portion. Thank you for your deep Love for us. Thank you for Your Love to bring this desire to my heart and our church’s heart to share your Good News. We Love you and desire what You desire. May I be a faithful steward to the One thing you entrust us with. Thank you for your faithfulness to guide and direct my path. In Jesus Name I pray.

Jesus Said:

“Look, I say to you,

raise your eyes and LOOK at the fields and see, they are white for harvest.

Already the reaper is receiving his wages and he is gathering fruit for eternal life;

so that he who plants and he who reaps may rejoice together. (John 4:35b-36)

Tina L Kudelka


Proverbs 30-6.3.22


1 Thessalonians 1-6.1.22