1 Timothy 3 - 7.15.21

Scripture - What stood out?

1 Timothy 3:12 Let deacons each be the husband of one wife, managing their children and their own households well.  (ESV)

Observation - What does it say?

The apostle Paul continues his letter to Timothy in this third chapter. It deals heavily with the qualifications for the overseers and deacons of the church, possibly alluding to a need that Timothy had in filling vacant positions.

Understanding - What does it mean?

I remember being fourteen years old having attended several churches and having no idea what a deacon or elder meant nor having any desire to find out! It wasn’t until I hit my thirties when I kinda sorta began to understand what the titles meant. Different churches may associate different responsibilities to the titles but I began to gather there was some level of maturity and depth to one’s relationship with God in order to gain that status within a church. Because you most likely were involved in making decisions. Possibly important ones.

As I have officially entered the second half of my life, I ask myself this: Even IF I did not feel called to be a deacon, have I managed my household well?

Life Application - How can I apply this to my life today?

Have I managed my household well?

Father God, I repent of all my mistakes which I have knowingly and unknowingly made. Please forgive me for not doing a better job all these years. Highlight the areas of my home that I need to work on, for even if you do not call me to be a deacon or an elder of a church, my desire is to manage my house well. For Your glory, for Your kingdom, In the name of Jesus do I pray, amen.

-kenneth lee


1 Timothy 4-7.16.21


1 Timothy 2 - 7.14.21