2 Peter 2 - 2.12.25


2 Peter 2:9 … if this is so, then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials and to hold the unrighteous for punishment on the day of judgment.



2 Peter 2 talks about false teachers leading people away from Jesus. Verses 4-9 point out that God is in control – of rescuing the godly and punishment for the unrighteous.



As I was reading this chapter, it reminded me of our current culture. I get really frustrated over the times we live in. I see people professing to know God, but using his word to attack people and as a weapon of hate. I want to shout, “That is not my God you are representing!” And while I believe that to be true, God gave me a couple of reminders this morning:


1.    When I spend time focusing on the behaviors of others and getting riled up, I am allowing others to steal my peace and my joy.

2.    Judgement is reserved for God.

3.    I need to take my concerns to God and pray.

4.    I need to focus my attention on serving my God as he has called me to and live my life as an example, pointing others to him.



Thank you for your correction this morning. Forgive me for my judgmental attitude. How can I complain about people not loving others when I am guilty myself? Please fill me with your grace and love for ALL I come in contact with.


- Debbie Dunn


2 Peter 3 - 2.13.25


2 Peter 1 - 2.11.25