2 Samuel 6-3.31.22
2 Samuel 6
David wanted to bring back the Ark of God to his city. When he first attempts to do this, they try taking a short cut and make a new cart to bring it back. The cart hits a bump and Uzzah reaches out and touches it and he is struck down because of lack of reverence to God. They end up leaving the Ark and later find out it blessed the house they left it at. David decides to try and bring it back again, only this time they carry it and sacrifice every six steps. David dances before the Lord leaping and dancing. This upsets Michal daughter of Saul. She mocks David and says how he acted like a fool and David says he will be even more undignified.
First let’s start off by saying there are no shortcuts!!! David learns the hard way that there are no shortcuts to walking in God’s presence or blessings. We all want God to bring revival, to see our families, friends, and cities transformed. We want our churches to be packed out, but just like David there are no shortcuts. We can’t just look to the new trend or new program. We can’t throw one great event and expect everything to change. David had to put in work. They carried the Ark (God’s presence) and every 6 steps they sacrificed. That’s crazy! Imagine how long it would take. Picture how many sacrifices. Dancing non stop. In other words, it cost David blood, sweat and tears. I feel the Lord asking, what am I willing to lay down or what cost will I pay for a great move of God?
Then, let’s look at how David was willing to be a fool for God. He didn’t care what He looked like. Even when he was told how he looked like a fool, he responds with I’ll be even more undignified. Are we willing to worship God even when others don’t? Are willing to live a lifestyle of worship even if we look foolish?
Life Application:
Let’s lay everything down and go hard after God. Let’s be willing to be fools to bring Gods presence to those around us. May we care more about reverence and worship to God than what others say.
-Justin Eaves