2 Thessalonians 2 - 5.16.23
SCRIPTURE: 2 Thessalonians 2:3,4 "Don't let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God's temple, proclaiming to be God Himself."
OBSERVATION: Paul wrote to the Thessalonians regarding Jesus' return, and how He would bring deliverance from persecution for the believers and judgement on the persecutors. Just before Christ's second coming, "the man of lawlessness" will arise. He will be Satan's tool; the anti-Christ. Paul told them what to look for before Jesus returns: Evil will grow worse and a man will emerge who will represent Satan, actually working "false miracles, signs, and wonders.” (verse9).
The secret power of lawlessness is already at work, but the man of lawlessness has not been revealed. God will allow this to happen in order to show people and nations their sinfulness, and to show them by bitter experience the true alternative to the lordship of Christ. (footnotes: NIV Life Application Bible). This lawless one will use many displays of power through signs and wonders to deceive many, and his powers will come from Satan. He will use his power to lead people away from God and toward himself. The believers in Christ don't need to fear the evil times because God has given us everything we need to be able to stand firm in our faith, starting with the awesome power of the Holy Spirit who lives in us, and the protection that comes from applying the armor of God, which He gives to every follower of Christ.
When Paul wrote to the Church in Thessalonica about this, he did not foresee that there would be at least another two thousand years before these end time events would take place.
APPLICATION: Paul was not just writing to instruct the church at Thessalonica. The letters he wrote are also preparing us today, and are reminding us about the importance of standing firm in our faith, and being ready at any moment. God has positioned each and every one of us here today for such a time as this. We have heard the Good News and have accepted God's gift of salvation, and now it is our duty as Christ followers to share that Good News. Paul's letter is a call to continued courage and consistent conduct. We are able to stand strong, even if we are persecuted for our faith because we know that God will vindicate the righteous who endure, reward our endurance, and punish the wicked. (1 Thessalonians 1:5-12).
PRAYER: Since Paul wrote those letters, we are now 2,000 years closer to the time of Jesus' return, and I pray as we wait that we will remain strong in our faith. I pray we will not be afraid when we see evil increase because we know that God is in control, no matter how evil the world becomes. I pray the Lord will guard us from Satan's attacks.
I pray we will rely on God's strength and endurance, and that we will never give up wanting to do what's right in His eyes, and that we will have the will and the desire to live responsibly before Him until that glorious Day Jesus returns.
- Robin Orefice