Isaiah 15

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ScriptureIsaiah 15:5My heart cries out over Moab...Observation - What does it say?In the middle of this message about the destruction and mourning that will take place in Moab, the prophet Isaiah interjects a personal statement. As he is going from horrible detail to horrible detail about Moab’s devastation he interjects, as though he can’t hold in the emotion any longer, that his heart cries out over Moab.Understanding - What does it mean?Moab was Israel’s enemy. There were endless wars between them. But rather than reveling in the coming devastation of his enemy, his heart is filled with grief. Isaiah’s heart is leaking out.When you consider our ultimate example, Jesus, he was willing to lay his life down for anyone he was willing to share the truth with. He demonstrated the greatest love for the lost.In contrast, think about Jonah. He was sent to his enemy, Nineveh, to declare their coming devastation if they didn’t repent. And rather than being filled with grief because they might be destroyed, he was filled with grief that they repented and God had mercy!Life ApplicationGod, make our heart’s like Isaiah’s! May our hearts be broken for the lost and cry out over those who will experience devastation and torment for all eternity if they don’t turn to you. Fill our hearts with your love for people, that we would be willing to lay our lives down – our pride, our selfishness, our busyness and laziness – to share your message of love and salvation with those you’ve placed in our lives. Amen.

Isaiah 16


Isaiah 14