Isaiah 38

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Isaiah 38:4-5

Then the word of the Lord came to Isaiah: “Go and tell Hezekiah, ‘This is what the Lord, the God of your father David, says: I have heard your prayer and seen your tears; I will add fifteen years to your life.

Observation - What does it say?

Hezekiah is on his deathbed and God sent Isaiah to visit him and to give him a message. It’s a message I pray none of us ever get from God. Put your house in order, because you are going to die; you will not recover.” Gee, how encouraging. But, rather than having Isaiah flogged for delivering such an unfavorable message, he responded just as he had in times past when receiving bad news. He prayed. And as a result, God healed him and added fifteen years to his life.

Understanding - What does it mean?

For the second day in a row, we read about Hezekiah responding to bad news in the best way. At this point, it’s reasonable to say that Hezekiah had developed the habit of turning to God first. And, God being immutable (incapable of change), he responds the same way every time. He alters Hezekiah’s course by delivering him from what was sure to destroy him.

God hears the prayers of his people, sees their tears, and responds by bringing deliverance.

This truth is played out all through scripture as God’s people pray and are then delivered from slavery, from invading armies, from the mouths of hungry lions, from a fiery furnace, from sickness and disease, from demonic oppression, and from sin and death.

As we read through scripture, it’s as though God is repeating to us over and over through the various passages, “If you’re in trouble or distress, seek me and I will deliver you!”

Life Application

If I believe God is faithful to answer me and deliver me, why would I turn anywhere else? And why pray half-hearted, weak-faith prayers when God has given me no reason to doubt or be timid in my requests?

Pray! And pray with faith that God WILL answer and bring deliverance. Not only for myself when I’m in distress, but for others. Our city and our world are full of people who are desperate for God’s intervention and deliverance!

Will you join me in praying for the next 30 seconds? Pray for God’s intervention and deliverance for any situations he might bring to mind.
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Also if you haven't already, will you make the decision to join our church family in praying and fasting for 28 days in January? Imagine the transformation, deliverance and breakthrough we will experience next year as we all commit to seeking God together! For more information about those 28 days, click here.

Isaiah 39


Isaiah 37