Day 1




The history of the church has always been a history of huge difficulties to overcome. The devil hates the church and seeks in every way to block its progress; by false doctrine, by division, by inward corruption of life. But by prayer, a clear way can be made through everything.Prayer will...

  • root out heresy,
  • relieve misunderstanding,
  • sweep away jealousies and animosities,
  • obliterate immoralities,
  • and bring in the full tide of God's reviving grace.

History proves this time and again. In the hour of darkest threats, when the case of the church, local or universal, has seemed beyond hope, believing men and believing women have met together and cried to God and the answer has come.Today the church seems to be faltering, it may seem like is is now a dark day,BUT—God is getting ready to work, and now He is listening for the voice of prayer.

  • Will He hear it?
  • Will He hear it from you?
  • Will He hear it from the church as a body?
  • I believe He will.
  • Psalm 119:126 (TLB)  Lord, it is time for you to act. For these evil men have violated your laws,

 Take a moment and write out your plan for the next 28 days.Why are you fasting?What area(s) would you like to see God bring change, growth or breakthrough? What do you want to see God do in you personally? In our church family? In your neighborhood?What will you fast?Who will you encourage to fast with you?

When will you set aside for prayer?
For the complete Prayer and Fasting Manual click

Lord as we begin our 28 days of seeking you by fasting and praying we take time today to commit ourselves to the process.  We believe that prayer is powerful and brings about your will and your blessings on earth as it is in heaven.  As we spend time in prayer I ask that you will begin to reveal the areas of sin in our lives that keep us from living in your fullness  Show us where there is sin and disobedience that prevents us from experiencing your blessings fully.  God even as we begin will you show us broken relationships that need to be resolved, (Matt. 5:23-24), will you cleanse us of sin and unrighteousness and will you allow your will to be accomplished in us, on earth as it is in heaven.God we are desperate for a manifestation of your presence in our lives here at Desert Streams. We ask that your presence be so obvious in us that it will draw men and women into relationship with you.  We pray for a harvest of souls this year at Desert Streams.  We pray that there will be a turning back to you in such a way that you become the priority and passion of people.We invite you to work powerfully in us transforming us God as we spend the next 28 days seeking you.  Give the body at DSC strength, determination and courage to fast and seek you.  We pray that all the arguments and rationalizations that people give for not fasting will be torn down and instead there will be a turning of hearts towards you.Thank you God for the amazing things that are about to happen as a result of your people seeking you through fasting and prayer.


Day 2


Isaiah 50