Exodus 4

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ScriptureExodus 4:10Moses said to the Lord, “Pardon your servant, Lord. I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant. I am slow of speech and tongue.”Observation - What does it say?God has appeared to Moses in the burning bush and informed Moses that he has chosen him to be the one to lead his people out of Egypt. Moses expresses 2 fears in a row. “What if they don’t listen to me or believe me?” and “This seems like a public speaking job and I’m not good at speaking in front of people.” After this he finally asks God to send someone else. But, in the end, God still uses him.Understanding - What does it mean?God uses ordinary people, despite their fear and insecurities, to fill great roles in his great plan.
Before we put Moses on a pedestal because of all God did through his life, it’s important to recognize that he started out like everyone else – fearful and insecure, unable to reconcile God's great call on their life with all their weaknesses and issues.
Here, Moses is really resisting the call of God on his life. God just showed him two crazy miracles turning his staff into a snake and then his hand leprous and back clean again. I can’t believe that instead of at least saying, “Wow, God! That’s incredible!” the first thing out of his mouth is a complaint about his speech problem. Even with the miracles, (not to mention the audible voice coming from a burning bush!) Moses still doesn’t trust that God will supply all he needs for this mission. But, praise God that it’s not in his character to give up on people so quickly and move to someone else! God still used Moses despite his whining and resistance, to lead the Israelites out of slavery.

This is what God does all throughout scripture! He turned whiny Moses into the leader of a nation. He turned discouraged and Christ-denying Peter into a rock he would build his church on. He turned timid Timothy into a great leader and pastor. And he still does the same thing with his followers today.Life ApplicationPraise God for using me despite my fear and insecurities! Believe that by his power at work within me I will fill a great role in his plan! Also, there is someone he brought to mind who I know is wondering how God could use them in a significant way. I am going to call them today and encourage them with this scripture.

God, thank you for using average people like me who struggle with fear and insecurity to be used by you in great ways! Thank you for the ways you have filled me with courage and shown me that you are with me. Please fill your church with courage to be obedient to you despite their fears. And, give me the words to say today as I make this phone call. Amen.
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Exodus 5


Exodus 3