Exodus 6

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ScriptureExodus 6:9 Moses reported this to the Israelites, but they did not listen to him because of their discouragement and harsh labor.Observation - What does it say?God delivers an incredibly encouraging word to the Israelites, but they missed it because they were too discouraged and focused on their present trials.Understanding - What does it mean?Don’t miss God’s word to you because you are too focused on your discouragement.This word had incredible potential to lift the spirit’s of God’s people! It was filled with encouragement, hope and promise of freedom to come. But, the Israelites stayed discouraged because they weren’t willing to receive it.Contrast the story of Elisha and his servant in 2 Kings 6. They were surrounded by an army that was there to kill them. Elisha’s servant was freaked out, certain they would die. Then Elisha asks the Lord, “Open his eyes that he may see.” And suddenly the servant sees that the hillsides are filled with horses and chariots of fire. As the enemy came to attack Elisha, God delivered them into his hands.In both stories, God saved his people from their enemies. And in both stories, God offered his people encouragement that the battle was his. The difference between Elisha’s servant and the Israelites though, is that Elisha’s servant was able to enjoy the ride. He looked away from the enemy long enough to see the hills filled with chariots of fire. The Israelites on the other hand, refused to look up from their harsh labor to receive the word of encouragement from God.Life ApplicationListen to what God is saying!
It’s always easy to focus on the trials, the lack of fruit, the things still left undone and the prayers that still seem to be unanswered. But instead, look to God, his word, his promises, and ask him what he is saying about what is to come.
God, forgive us for the times we are like the Israelites. Forgive us for choosing to give in to our discouragement and missing out on living the life of rejoicing and peace you intend for us. We look up to you today. We remind ourselves that you are for us and that the story ends well. May we hear and receive your words of encouragement and comfort and promise. Amen.
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Exodus 7


Exodus 5