Exodus 10

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ScriptureExodus 10:2that you may tell your children and grandchildren how I dealt harshly with the Egyptians and how I performed my signs among them, and that you may know that I am the Lord.”Observation - What does it say?God’s purpose in hardening Pharaoh’s heart and performing all these great signs, was that the Israelites would have a testimony to share with the generations to come and that they would know that he is God.Understanding - What does it mean?God’s will is for his people to share the testimony of how he has demonstrated his love and power.One thing I felt God impress on my heart toward the end of our month of prayer and fasting is the need for testimonies to be shared. God has done amazing things in the lives of those in our church family! Healing bodies and hearts, supernaturally providing financially, speaking through visions and dreams, and many other things. And it's his will for you and me to share those stories!In Mark 5, Jesus delivered a man who was possessed by a ‘legion’ of demons. The man’s life was completely changed. And when he begged Jesus to go with him afterward, Jesus told him no. Instead Jesus gave him the assignment of going home and telling his friends and family what God had done for him. What the man did next is incredible.Mark 5:20 So the man went away and began to tell in the Decapolis how much Jesus had done for him. And all the people were amazed.
Decapolis means 10 cities. He couldn’t keep his testimony to himself or even to just his family! He had experienced God’s power and love in such a life transforming way that he had to share it with the world!

Life ApplicationHow did God save you?What has he done in your life recently?When you have the answer, go tell someone!God, may we be like the man in Mark 5. May we give you glory by sharing about all the things you have done for us and continue to do. And as we do, may it cause people to be amazed by you, to be drawn to you, and for their faith to be ignited. Amen.To check out the discussion or to join in click here.


Exodus 11


Exodus 9