Exodus 15

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ScriptureExodus 15:20 Then Miriam the prophet, Aaron’s sister, took a timbrel (tambourine) in her hand, and all the women followed her, with timbrels and dancing.Observation - What does it say?God delivered the Israelites from the Egyptians once and for all when he drowned them in the Red Sea. Filled with relief and joy at their deliverance, Aaron’s sister Miriam led them in singing and dancing to the Lord.Understanding - What does it mean?Because they’ve been delivered from their enemies, God’s people have reason to rejoice and worship! The Israelites were saved from their Egyptian enemies who could enslave and kill them. God was with them and fought for them. And they sang, danced and praised God because of it.How much more should we who are redeemed sing and dance and rejoice in the Lord, because he not only is present with us in a more personal and greater way than the Israelites (because we are temples of the Holy Spirit), but because he has defeated our ultimate enemy the Devil and freed us from his power and bondage! A gloomy Christian is a contradiction in terms, because Christians are those who have been set free and delivered from the enemy and who have new lives because they have put their faith in Christ. Anyone who recognizes that should be living in a constant state of rejoicing! If gloom or doom has been creeping in, it’s because we’ve lost sight of what God has done for us.Philippians 4:4Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!Life ApplicationRejoice in the Lord today! Today, I will set aside some extra time to worship and praise him for what he’s done for me.
God, thank you for saving us! We worship you for fighting for us and for paying the price on the cross that we couldn’t pay. You've defeated the enemy once and for all and blessed us with a life of freedom and intimate relationship with you that will last forever! Remind us continually of what you’ve done for us and cause us to be a people who are grateful and who rejoice always in you. Amen.
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Exodus 16


Exodus 14