ScriptureExodus 34:29When Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tablets of the covenant law in his hands, he was not aware that his face was radiant because he had spoken with the Lord.Observation - What does it say?Talk about a fast! Moses spent 40 days alone on the mountain with God without eating or drinking anything… not even water! An unbroken hour alone with God seems like a long time to many, but Moses spent an unbroken 40 days alone with God! And after more than a month alone with God, Moses came down from the mountain and when the people saw him they were shocked. Not because he had been gone so long and finally returned, but because his face was glowing! According to verse 29 his face was radiant because he had spoken with the Lord.
Understanding - What does it mean?God’s presence is transforming!Moses went up the mountain appearing normal and came down glowing. When someone chooses to spend time with God, not just for 2 minutes here and there, but to linger a while, they are changed. I’m reminded of “the vine and the branches” talk Jesus gave in John 15. The more a branch is connected, the more fruit it’s going to bear and the more it’s going to look different than the branches that aren’t connected.For Moses, it was his glowing face that caused people to notice he had been with God. And, for Peter and John it was their courage that caused people to make the same connection.
Acts 4:13 When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.
When ordinary people spend time with Jesus it becomes obvious to the world around them because they look different, they have a different attitude, they love more, they rejoice more and they have more courage.
As I read this passage I couldn’t help but think of the people on our PII cards and really all the people in the world who are looking to see if Christianity is the real deal. They are looking to see if Christians are different. And the only way they are going to see any difference in us is if we spend enough time with Jesus to be transformed!Life ApplicationSpend a little more time with God.Think about the time you spend with God now. What does it look like for you to take the next step in spending a little more time with him?Start where you are. Don’t try to spend 40 days straight if you’ve never spent 40 minutes straight :) For you, maybe you haven’t been spending any regular time with God and so you decide to start with setting aside 5 minutes a day to pray and then read a chapter in the Bible. What does the next step look like for you?God, I pray that we would be a church that spends time with you and lingers in your presence long enough to be changed! May our lives reflect you to the rest of the world! Transform us in your presence as you transformed Moses and Peter and John. We want to know you more and in turn make you known to the world around us. Amen.To check out the discussion or to join in click here.