Exodus 37

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ScriptureExodus 37:5And he inserted the poles into the rings on the sides of the ark to carry it.Observation - What does it say?Bezalel and all the skilled workers built the tabernacle and all it’s contents according to God’s specific plans he had given Moses. Following those plans as he built the ark of the covenant, Bezalel fastened two rings to each side of the ark that he slid poles into. These poles were for the purpose of carrying the ark when they would move camp.Understanding - What does it mean?The ark was always meant to be portable. God had answered Moses’ prayer in chapter 34 for God’s presence to go with them wherever they went. And so, when God gave them the plans he had this decision in mind. The rings and poles were a continual reminder that wherever God would command them to go, he had made a way for his presence to go with them.God has made a way to be with his people wherever they go.Under the new covenant, when we believe in Jesus, God’s Spirit dwells within us. Rather than carrying God’s presence in an incredibly beautiful box overlaid with God, we have the incredible privilege of carrying him within our own bodies. The new covenant is better than the old, the new temple better than the old, and the new relationship with God better than the old.Matthew 28:20b “surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”Ephesians 1:13 When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit…Life ApplicationEnjoy God’s presence with me today!
God, whether or not we ‘feel’ your presence with us we know that according to your word you are with us. We can walk in confidence, free from anxiety and fear, full of joy and faith, because you are with us and you are for us. Thank you for blessing us with your continual presence with us! Amen.
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Exodus 38


Exodus 36