Acts 3

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ScriptureActs 3:6Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.”Observation - What does it say?This is one of my favorite stories in scripture! Peter and John are strolling up to the temple to pray and as they pass by the gate leading to the temple they saw the same handicapped man who was always there, begging. Over 40 years old now, he had been born unable to use his legs (Acts 4:22). And day after day people would pass by, some feeling pity and giving money while others shamefully tried to avoid eye contact and having to help. But today his life would be forever changed. And it was all because of 2 ordinary men who had faith in Jesus. Here come Peter and John filled with faith. When they saw him, rather than offering money they offered him something better: complete healing in the name of Jesus Christ! Instantly his legs became strong and he stood to his feet. Then he followed Peter and John to the temple, walking and leaping for the first time in his life and praising God!Understanding - What does it mean?When you’re filled with faith you see problems differently than the rest of the world.When Peter and John were confronted by all the onlookers who witnessed what happened, they explained the simple reason for the miracle:Acts 3:16 By faith in the name of Jesus, this man whom you see and know was made strong. It is Jesus’ name and the faith that comes through him that has completely healed him, as you can all see.They simply acted on their faith in Jesus and the man was healed! A man once called his Pastor and said, “Pastor! The doctors just told my friend he has cancer and only has months to live. Isn’t that great?! I'm just so excited!” He wasn’t joking or going crazy. He had faith. He was excited at this opportunity for a miracle. He knew God was bigger and knew God loves bring glory to himself through healing people. And sure enough, after being prayed for, God healed the man's friend completely of cancer!Faith changes the way you see things. When ‘terrible’ news comes, rather than feeling dread you begin to get excited! “I can’t wait to see what God does in this situation!” All miracles start as problems. All testimonies begin as tests. What problems and tests are you facing? Are you seeing them through eyes of fear or of faith?Life ApplicationView every problem as an opportunity for a miracle!God, fill us with faith! When negative news comes from the doctor or our finances look really bad, when most people would respond with fear or stress, help us to see with eyes of faith. When everyone else responds with, “That’s too bad,” may we believe you for a miracle! Amen.To check out the discussion or to join in click here.

Acts 4


Acts 2