Acts 5
ScriptureActs 5:4242 Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Messiah.Observation - What does it say?The Apostles had been arrested twice already for telling people about Jesus. Once they were flogged, and both times they were commanded not to teach about Jesus. Yet nothing could keep them from telling people about Jesus!Understanding - What does it mean?Nothing should keep followers of Jesus from constantly telling others about him. The Apostles faced imprisonment and physical harm for preaching about Jesus. And on top of it, not everyone they shared with would even believe their message. Yet, they had been commanded to tell the world about Jesus and so they devoted themselves to it every single day.There are many in the church who are passionate about sharing Jesus with everyone they come into contact with. But, there are also those who struggle to remember the last time they shared with anyone.We either live to please people or to reach people, but one comes at the expense of the other.Life ApplicationLive to reach people!
God, may we be more like the apostles! Help us to make the most of every opportunity and for sharing about you to become a daily part of our lives. We choose not to be ashamed of the gospel because it’s the power of God to save everyone who believes! Amen.
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