Acts 8

ScriptureActs 8:35"Then Philip began with that very passage of Scripture and told him the good news about Jesus.”Observation-What does it say?As a result of Philip listening to the angel and acting upon the direction of the Holy Spirit, God used him to share the Gospel with the Ethiopian eunuch and baptize him in the faith.Understanding-What does it mean?Philip reached out to the Ethiopian because the Holy Spirit led him to him. His obedience to love and care for the man and help him understand an Old Testament text actually pointed Him to our New Testament Jesus. This just proves that if we are willing to go where the Spirit leads us, great things will happen.Life ApplicationWhen the Holy Spirit speaks, obeying what He says is the key to seeing miracles happen. God desires to do amazing things in and through us, but that requires action and obedience on our end. It requires that His love flow through us and poured out into others. One of the verses that the Lord has been bringing me back to is, "It is more blessed to give than to receive. (Acts 20:35)." The Eunuch went away rejoicing (vs. 39) as a result of Philip sharing the Gospel with him and him turning His life over to Jesus.Dear Jesus, I confess that it is easier to stay comfortable in what we know and that following the leading of the Holy Spirit sometimes calls us into uncomfortable places. I pray for more faith to follow the leading of the Spirit and get out of our comfort zones to reach out to people. We desire to be used by You to see more souls enter Your Kingdom and more people rejoicing as the Eunuch did when He became part of the family of God. Help us to obey and go where you lead us, just as Philip did. Amen. To check out the discussion or join in click here.

Acts 9


Acts 7