Acts 15
ScriptureActs 15:8-98 God, who knows the heart, showed that he accepted them by giving the Holy Spirit to them, just as he did to us. 9 He did not discriminate between us and them, for he purified their hearts by faith.Observation - What does it say?The Jewish Christians were attempting to teach the new Gentile (non-Jewish) Christians that in addition to their faith in Christ they needed to also be circumcised in order to be saved. In other words, they were attempting to make them become Jews before they could become Christians. Paul and Silas came into dispute with them and went to the leaders of the church in Jerusalem to seek their decision on the matter. In their meeting, Peter spoke up and pointed out that God didn’t accept and give the Holy Spirit to only those who were circumcised. All were purified and accepted by God because of their faith in Jesus alone!Understanding - What does it mean?We are saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.When feeling the pressure to ‘do’ certain things like spend time with God or share my faith, it’s easy to think that after doing those things God will be more pleased with me, accept me more, love me more. However, Peter points to the moment of salvation, proving that God loved and accepted and purified our hearts at the moment we professed faith in him.It wasn’t our efforts or good deeds that caused God to accept us or love us. Rather, while we were still running from God, still his enemies, he demonstrated the greatest love for us by dying on the cross for us!To take it another step further, if your works couldn’t save you what makes you think they could sustain you?We love God and others not so we can be saved but because we already are! Our lives of love and obedience to God are just responses to receiving God’s amazing love and salvation.Life ApplicationRest in God’s love for me and acceptance of me, not because of what I have done but simply because of my faith in Jesus.
God, thank you so much for loving us! Thank you for saving us! Thank you that you purified us and accepted us simply because we put our faith in you. May we rest in your love that is truly unconditional. Worship you! Amen.
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