Acts 17

ScriptureActs 17:11Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.Observation - What does it say?In the city of Berea, Paul preached the gospel to the local people. Scripture says they had noble character because they did 2 things in response to Paul’s preaching.
  1. They received the message with great eagerness. They were not listening to critique the message but to receive.
  2. They examined the Scriptures daily to see if what Paul said was true. They didn't just take Paul's word for it. They understood that the scriptures were the final authority of our faith and measured everything preached against them.

Understanding - What does it mean?Noble character is expressed by receiving what is preached and studying scripture to see if it’s true.When someone is preaching, it can be easy to listen through a critical lens or think, “I’ve heard this before.” But those with noble character will listen with humble and open hearts, and will receive it with great eagerness.However, that reception isn’t ignorant. It’s important that as we follow Christ, we study the scriptures daily for ourselves and measure every teaching against the word of God.Life ApplicationBe a Berean!

God, forgive me for my pride and for the times I don’t listen with a humble and open heart. Help us to be better at receiving the message with eagerness. I also pray you fill us with a greater love for your word; a passion to study it, memorize it, and to discover the truth for ourselves. Amen.
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Acts 18


Acts 16