Acts 26

ScriptureActs 26:28-29Then Agrippa said to Paul, “Do you think that in such a short time you can persuade me to be a Christian?” Paul replied, “Short time or long—I pray to God that not only you but all who are listening to me today may become what I am, except for these chains.”Observation-What does it say?As Paul was stating his case to King Agrippa and defending himself against the accusations of the Jews, he began to share his testimony. He shared who he was before, who He became after Jesus encountered him and what God had done to help Him as well as the mission He had called him to. He also shared his heart that all who were listening to him may become a servant of Christ as well.Understanding-What does it mean?God's gift of salvation is meant to be shared with everyone. It is not meant to be a great personal experience to keep to ourselves.Paul shared His testimony, but he not only focused on himself and who he was before Christ and who Christ changed Him to be, but He also shared in verse 23 that the Messiah suffered and resurrected from the grave. He shared the Gospel message with the council. It was not just a great experience that was reserved for himself alone, but it was open to those who were listening.Life ApplicationWhen we share our testimony, we must remember to share His testimony, the Gospel message, as well. Merely sharing our testimony and what Christ has done for "me", is great, but if it doesn't include an invitation for them to receive the Good News as well, typical responses would be, "Good for you" or "I'm glad you were able to get out of that situation" or "I'm glad that worked for you." Jesus' testimony is the only one that can save people. Our testimony supports and proves that who He says He is is true in our lives, however, without the power of HIS testimony of His death, burial and resurrection (and why it all had to happen), it will be harder for them to become what we are. Paul desired that all who were listening would become as he was. That should be our desire too.Dear Jesus, please give us the courage and a burdened heart for the lost to share our testimony AND Your testimony with them. Please give us the same love for them that You had for us when You brought us into the family. We desire hearts to be turned completely over to You. Amen. To check out the discussion or join in click here.‭‭

Acts 27


Acts 25