Acts 28
ScriptureActs 28:14And so we came to Rome.Observation - What does it say?Yesterday we read in Acts 27 of God’s promise to Paul through an angel that Paul and his companions would make it to Rome. And, though it was a loooong and difficult journey, God was faithful to his promise. As they sailed they encountered many stops along the way, great storms and were even shipwrecked. Yet, they made it.Understanding - What does it mean?Although the journey may be filled with many obstacles and setbacks, God is faithful to bring us where he’s promised.Many of us have had dreams, visions or prophetic words spoken over us that speak to our destiny and God’s purposes for our lives. And at different points in the journey we can feel stuck in the storms of life, we feel shipwrecked, and can often become discouraged and lose hope. "Ugh, I'm never going to make it!" It can be tempting to doubt God’s promises when we discover the road is rough.However, looking at Paul’s story I am encouraged! Even when we feel stuck, individually or as a church family, it won’t last forever! God is faithful to fulfill all the dreams and promises he’s placed in our hearts.
It reminds me of Mark 4:35-41, when Jesus calmed the storm. It says, 35 That day when evening came, he said to his disciples, “Let us go over to the other side.”
They encountered a life threatening storm on the way and everyone thought they were going to drown. But if Jesus says you’re going to the other side, you’re going to get to the other side!
Life ApplicationWhen storms, obstacles and setbacks come, don’t doubt! Have faith that God will see me through!
God, thank you so much for your faithfulness! You’ve never given us reason to doubt you. I know we can expect to have trouble in this life, but I thank you that we can also expect that you will see us through it. We take a moment today to remember the promises you’ve made us and we choose to believe you will fulfill every one. Amen.
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