Day 2 - A Minute on Faith

Minute on Faith
[This week we are continuing our regularly scheduled Bible reading in Hebrews and would love to see your SOUL Journal entries in the comments below. However, in the opening posts this week, Pastor Gary will be sharing a bit of his heart for us as we approach the end of our Daring Faith campaign.]
This week, our families and individuals will be deciding their step of faith for our Daring Faith Giving and Commitment Weekend.

How do you get God’s dream for your life? You do three things:First, dare to ask God for it. The Bible says, “Now glory be to God, who by his mighty power at work within us is able to do far more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream of…”

Ephesians 3:20 (TLB). If you want God’s dream for your life, you must dare to ask him what he wants you to do. Then ask yourself, “What would I attempt for God if I knew I couldn’t fail?” Let that expand your vision.

Second, believe God’s promises.

Never let an impossible situation intimidate you. Let it motivate you to pray more, believe more, trust more, experience more, learn more, and grow more. Faith always works in the realm of the impossible.

Third, dream big. Let the size of your God determine the size of your goal. You haven’t really believed God until you’ve attempted something that cannot be done in the power of the flesh. God’s dream for your life can only be accomplished, as Ephesians 3:20 says, “By his mighty power at work within you.” If you can do it in your own strength, then it’s not a God-sized dream. But the Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 5:24, “the one who calls you is faithful and he will do it!”Will you dream big with me?

Pastor Gary
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Day 3 - A Minute on Faith


Day 1 - A Minute on Faith