Romans 13
ScriptureRomans 13:8-108 Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law. 9 The commandments…are summed up in this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” 10 Love does no harm to a neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.ObservationPaul is sharing with the Jewish Christians in Rome that they need to submit to the governing authorities. Most of what is said is commonsense, logical, good ethical wisdom…pay your taxes, don’t maintain debt, don’t steal, don’t commit adultery, don’t murder, give people what you owe them – including honor and respect. On this same list, he encourages them to LOVE.UnderstandingWe have been created and called to love others! The beauty of this, is it simplifies the “rules.” When love is the root and spring of all our actions, we’re usually “in the right.”Galatians 5:14For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: "Love your neighbor as yourself."James 2:18If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, "Love your neighbor as yourself," you are doing right.I have a favorite phrase – “Always choose love.” Often times, in the midst of frustrations or dealing with difficult people or simply when I’m over my limit, this phrase will pop into my brain. And the truth is, it is always a choice! Every day and in every circumstance, we can choose love - whether it be in showing kindness, in looking for the good in a person or situation, to give, to NOT gossip, and a million other ways. So, with that, I’ll share my other favorite phrase…Go love on somebody! <3Life ApplicationDear God, please open my eyes to the ways I can be a reflection of your love today. In every situation, may I actively CHOOSE to love others. Help me when it seems difficult and open my eyes to your desire. May I see everyone I interact with today through your eyes – their intentional creator – and may I be used in whatever way you desire to show them that they are seen and they are loved.To check out the discussion or to join in click here. - Rei