Romans 16

ScriptureRomans 16:23…Erastus, who is the city’s director of public works, and our brother Quartus send you their greetings.ObservationPaul ends his letter to the church at Rome with personal greetings, instructions and encouragements.UnderstandingThe Bible (and Christianity) is factually reliable.This mention of Erastus as Rome’s director of public works was, for years, used by critics to point out that the bible was unreliable and full of inaccuracies since there was no evidence that this Roman person or position ever existed. Yet, The Excavations of Corinth in 1929 unearthed a pavement upon which was inscribed, “Erastus, curator of public buildings, laid this pavement at his own expense.” As has happened over and over again throughout the decades, archaeology unearthed proof that the Bible is factually correct and inerrant; in total agreement with history and the sciences.In fact, no archaeological or scientific discovery has ever contradicted a truth in the Bible. Throughout the years, secular history books, science books, maps and biographies have all needed to be re-written because of a discovery that has proven human knowledge to be in error. Yet, in the thousands of years that the Bible has existed, it has never had to be changed because of the discovery of some new information. On the contrary, new discoveries always corroborate the scripture and prove its reliability and inerrancy.
Life Application

I stand on solid ground when I stand on the truth of the Word of God.Lord, I thank you that since the Bible is so trustworthy in its historical and scientific truths, I can be secure in my faith in its spiritual truths about who You are, your purpose for my life and your redemptive plan for mankind. May I be a diligent disciple and apologist who is able to defend your word and who can be used by the Holy Spirit to help open the eyes of unbelievers to the miraculous truth of your word and the salvation that you offer.2 Timothy 2:15

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.
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- Gary Parker



1 Samuel 1


Romans 15