1 Samuel 5:3 When the people of Ashdod rose early the next day, there was Dagon, fallen on his face on the ground before the ark of the Lord!ObservationAfter capturing the Ark of the Covenant in battle, the Philistines suffer the consequences of having the Ark in their possession, including the destruction of their fish-god, Dagon, and being afflicted with tumors.UnderstandingGod can fight His own battles.
God succeeded in defending Himself when the efforts of rebellious Israel could not do so. While God commands in scripture that I, as a disciple, equip myself to give a defense for the faith (1 Peter 3:15), it does not mean that every battle is mine. Certainly there is a godly response to the injustice and wrong that is present in the world today, but scripture reminds me that the battle belongs to the Lord (1 Sam 17:47, 2 Chronicles 20:15). When I feel overwhelmed and fearful as sin and unrighteousness appear to prevail in this world and when my efforts to exert godly influence in those situations does not seem to bear any fruit, I need to remember that God is sovereign even in the affairs of the ungodly. God has a plan that will, in the end, bring sin underfoot, bring sinners to justice and one that will usher in His kingdom of righteousness, joy and peace.
Life Application
In the midst of my frustrations and feelings of powerlessness, the Lord bids me to “Be still and know that I am God”. I have often acted as if to say, “Get out of the way, Lord, I’ll fix this.” As a result of being so presumptuous, I have also learned that my plans are powerless and guaranteed failure; but that the plan of God always results in glory for His name – with or without my help.
Father, help me to realize and rest in the fact that you are working in areas where I may not perceive your hand. Give me the patience and wisdom to let you defend yourself when you have not asked me to do it for you. Lord, help me to be a good foot soldier under your command – following orders, constantly training, keeping myself spiritually fit and maintaining the weapons of warfare to be ever ready for when you sound the call to battle – to go when and where you send me, confident that victory is certain.
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- Gary Parker