1 Samuel 9
Scripture1 Samuel 9:6, 17 “But the servant replied, “Look, in this town there is a man of God; he is highly respected, and everything he says comes true. Let’s go there now. Perhaps he will tell us what way to take.”"When Samuel caught sight of Saul, the Lord said to him, “This is the man I spoke to you about; he will govern my people.””Observation-What does it say?Saul's father Kish had just lost some of his donkeys and had sent his son Saul out to the country to look for them. Kish also told Saul to bring one of the servants with him. As it was getting late, Saul wanted to turn back and return home, however, the servant informed him about a man of God who was highly respected and who may know where the donkeys were. (This man was Samuel). While this was going on, the Lord was revealing to Samuel who the next leader of Israel would be who would defeat the Philistines. The Lord told Samuel to anoint him King as he will be coming the next day. Understanding-What does it mean?Saul was not expecting to be anointed ruler of Israel, but because he submitted to the authority of his earthly father, the will of His Heavenly Father played out in his life.Saul was looking for Samuel because he needed help finding his father's lost donkeys. Samuel was expecting Saul because the Lord told him he was coming and was to be appointed the next ruler of Israel. The fact that both of these men were looking for each other happened not by chance. The Lord orchestrated it all through their obedience to Him and their earthly authorities.Life ApplicationLet us submit to the authorities the Lord has placed in our lives.We submit to the Jesus as Lord and King over ALL of our lives, which is a command. Submit to your parents if you are a child/youth. Submit to our spouses if married. Submit to the Godly leaders the Lord has given us. The Lord's purposes play out as we learn to humble ourselves and submit to the authorities He has placed in our lives. If Saul had chosen not to submit to his earthly father and not go on that journey, he would not have met Samuel and may not have been anointed ruler of Israel. If Samuel had not submitted to the voice of the Lord and looked out for Saul, then he may have missed the opportunity to anoint him. Dear Jesus, I pray that we would honor, respect and obey the authorities You have placed in our lives, and most importantly You as our Lord. I admit that many times pride gets in the way and I refuse to submit and obey. Please forgive me. You don't do things by random, but You work through the obedience of Your children. May we continue to be obedient to You and our godly authorities like Saul and Samuel did. Amen.To check out the discussion or to join in click here.
Michelle Gaddi