1 Samuel 16
1 Samuel 16:7
“But the LORD said to Samuel, “Don’t judge by his appearance or height, for I have rejected him. The LORD doesn’t see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”
Observation-What does it say?
The Lord rejects Saul as King due to his disobedience. Now God sends Samuel in search of a new king to anoint. He sends Samuel to Bethlehem to go find a man named Jesse. It will be one of Jesse's sons that God will anoint as the new king. Samuel automatically assumes that Jesse's son Eliab, will be the anointed one, but God had already rejected him. Eliab may have fit the physical stature of a great leader, a great warrior, and a man that commanded the presence of people when he entered a room; but God judges the heart, and not the physical stature.
Understanding-What does it mean?
God sees us for the potential of what we can be (through Him), instead of seeing us of what we currently are.
God would rather work with someone with a humble heart; a heart that is fully relying on Him, a heart that is teachable, and obedient. I believe God's glory shines that much more when He uses people like that. Imagine if God used someone with the same physical stature to take down Goliath. It really wouldn't be that special. The people would of just thought that it was a battle between two GIANT warriors, and the better man one the showdown. Instead God used someone like David, small in stature, but HUGE in heart; his heart for God, and his heart for God's people. David took down Goliath with a single shot! Now the people KNOW, that it is from God, that a man like David, can take down a giant like Goliath! All the glory to God!
Life Application
God doesn't call the equipped. God equips the called.
What part of my life do I feel God calling me to do, but I may feel inadequate in my own abilities of doing them? Trust in God! If God has anointed you for it, He will equip you to do it!
God, thank you for seeing past my faults, and failures. Thank you Lord for seeing me for who I can be, instead of who I am. Thank you for choosing me to partner with in your mission. I pray for the strength and knowledge of completing the work you give me each day. In your name Jesus, Amen.
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-Moses Gaddi