1 Samuel 20
1 Samuel 20:30Saul’s anger flared up at Jonathan and he said to him…”As long as the son of Jesse lives on this earth, neither you nor your kingdom will be established. Now send someone to bring him to me, for he must die!”ObservationDavid has gone into hiding as a result of Saul’s anger, jealousy and murderous intent. To dispel Jonathan’s disbelief that his father seeks David’s life, the friends devise a plan by which Saul’s motives may be determined. Saul’s rage at David’s absence from a feast, and his paranoia that Jonathan is in league with David to destroy Saul, results in an attempt by Saul on Jonathan’s life. This confirmation of Saul’s unjust persecution of David results in a renewal of their covenant of brotherly love and devotion.
Love…is not proud…it is not self-seeking.”If anyone had cause to be jealous and would benefit from David’s demise, it would be Jonathan. After all, he was Saul’s firstborn and therefore the heir to the throne of Israel. The only thing standing in the way of his ascension to the throne was the breath in David’s lungs. But instead of allowing the pride of the flesh (1 John 2:16) and petty insecurities to rule his actions (as they had his father), Jonathan submitted to the revealed will of God (1 Samuel 16) and acknowledged the future kingship of David by clothing David in his very own robe, tunic, sword, bow and belt; and entered into a covenant of friendship that would transcend familial ties (1 Samuel 18). Jonathan exhibited true humility, submission and love; as well as a commitment to building God’s kingdom over building his own empire.Life ApplicationIs my cause is the cause of Christ?In today’s reading, I find myself wondering how often the cause of Christ has been wounded, delayed or derailed due to petty jealousies and selfishness. Churches have split, ministries have been abandoned and the witness of the church destroyed as the people of God vie for supremacy, gain and notoriety. We have but one cause and one King - the Lord Jesus Christ - under whose reign and rule we must all joyfully bow and serve.