1 Samuel 30
Scripture1 Samuel 30:24David replied…”The share of the man who stayed with the supplies is to be the same as that of him who went down to the battle. All will share alike.”ObservationAfter rescuing the hostages taken by the Amalekites when they destroyed Ziklag, including David’s two wives, David’s men begin to argue amongst themselves; disputing whether or not those who stayed behind with the supplies should share in the plunder equally with those who were on the front lines of the fighting. David rebukes the rabble-rousers and commands that all will share equally in the spoils of victory.UnderstandingAt the height of the Vietnam War, only 35% of the total number of troops in country were combat troops. The other 65% were command, logistics and support/supply troops. In other words, it takes 2/3 of the total size of an army in support roles to make it possible for the other 1/3 to fight. The combat troops need to be transported, equipped, fed, clothed, and re-supplied; as well as needing medical care when wounded. Add to this the home front effort needed to manufacture the arms, munitions, uniforms, vehicles, planes and ships to engage in warfare. It’s mind boggling. Yet, without all of the efforts of those who never see combat, the battle could not be joined and victory could not be won.The warriors of David’s company failed to understand the truth that the rear guard is just as important as the “tip of the spear”. It’s the same in ministry. Not everyone is called to take the pulpit, teach the class, enter the mission field or lead the ministry; and one might be tempted to feel less important than those in more visible areas of ministry. We must never forget or underestimate the contributions made by people behind the scenes in ministry. Every effort, great or small, seen or unseen, given to further the kingdom of God is vital, is to be appreciated and shares equally in the reward of kingdom victory.Life Application
I can be an important part of every ministry a Desert Streams either by playing, paying or praying. I don’t need to be involved in Youth Ministry, but I can support those who are with my finances and with my prayers. I may not be in the Nursery on Sunday, but I can provide needed supplies and encourage those who do serve with words of encouragement, cards, gifts, etc.; and though I may not lead a ministry, I can be a servant to those that do – realizing that serving behind the scenes or under the radar is as vital to achieve victory as the efforts of those in leadership and front line positions.
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Gary Parker