2 Samuel 22
Scripture2 Samuel 22:1David sang to the Lord the words of this song when the Lord delivered him from the hand of all his enemies and from the hand of Saul.Observation - What does it say?David had just been at war with the Philistines. In this series of battles, David’s men killed 4 giants. In one instance, David himself was about to fall at the hands of the giant Ishbi-Benob when one of David’s men, Abishai, struck him down and rescued David.At the end of all of it, rather than writing a song about his great leadership or the accomplishments of his men, he writes a song giving the Lord all the credit.Understanding - What does it mean?Although men fight the battles, it’s God who gives the victory.It’s so common to find people who overcame addictions, climbed the corporate ladder, got rich or achieved great things and claim all the credit for themselves. It’s because they were determined, they worked hard, they were smart and talented. David could have tried to make the same arguments… if he was a fool.Instead, David recognized that God was the source of everything good. It is God who gives a man strength and wisdom, it is God who fills a man’s heart with determination. And, it is God who – regardless of the strength, talent, wisdom, skills, etc. of the people involved – determines the victory. Remember when God used the little shepherd boy to bring down the giant and trained killer, Goliath.Life ApplicationGive God the glory!
God, I recognize that anything good that has come from my life has been because of you. You are the one who has freed me from addictions, who has turned my life around, who has given me a purpose and equipped me to fulfill it. Every achievement, every compliment from others, I lay at your feet today. You deserve all the credit, honor and glory. Amen.
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- Levi Thompson