Scripture2 Samuel 24:24But the king replied to Araunah, “No, I insist on paying you for it. I will not sacrifice to the Lord my God burnt offerings that cost me nothing.” So David bought the threshing floor and the oxen and paid fifty shekels of silver for them.ObservationAgainst the protest of Joab, David issues a census that all the fighting men of Israel should be counted. After doing so, David is convicted by, and confesses, his actions even though they were prompted by the Lord. Perhaps David was sensitive to the prideful motive with which he carried out the Lord’s decree or from the fact that he found his peace and security in the numbers of his army instead of the power of the Captain of the Host of Heaven. Whatever the reason, through the seer Gad, God offers David three options for atonement. David defers to the wisdom and mercy of the Lord’s decision; resulting in three days of plague over Israel that would have resulted in the destruction of Jerusalem had the Lord not relented and stayed the hand of the avenging angel. Gad then instructs David to erect an altar and offer sacrifices to the Lord at the threshing floor of Araunah. Though Araunah offers to give David the land, David insists on buying it; refusing to offer sacrifices to the Lord that costs him nothing. In doing so, David provides the model for sacrificial worship, service and giving that all God’s people should follow. David’s attitude and offering are acceptable to the Lord and God removes the plague from Israel.
Understanding David had no clue that this singular, apparently unconnected act obedience and humility before the Lord was intertwined with the past, present and future fulfillment of the Abrahamic Covenant.It is by no coincidence that God instructs David to offer sacrifices at the threshing floor of Araunah…
- The threshing floor was located on Mount Moriah where Abraham had offered to sacrifice his firstborn son, Isaac – a Christ-type and foreshadowing of Jesus’ substitutionary death.
- The purchase of the land (as well as the preservation of Jerusalem) secured the site where Solomon would build the temple for the true worship of Israel’s God.
- It is on the Temple Mount that Jesus would proclaim the Kingdom of God, would be sentenced to death and from where He would be led to Calvary to be sacrificed for the sins of the world,
- It is on this Temple Mount where Jesus will return in glory as the triumphant King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Life ApplicationI am challenged to live in light of the truth that, as one of the redeemed of the Lord, my life exists within a greater plan than I can perceive. As opposed to what Darwin would suggest, I am so much more than a purposeless, albeit highly evolved, beast. I am wonderfully and fearfully made and, by God’s desire and design, I am part of history – His Story! That gives my life great import and significance and forces me to consider my actions and attitudes beyond the limited scope of my own personal existence but in view of the eternal plan of God in and through me. From God’s perspective, my obedience in the now has far reaching implications and is but one of the individual threads necessary for the master weaver to craft His tapestry of redemption for mankind.
Lord, help me to recognize that even the smallest act of worship and obedience is important in the grand scheme of things. May I always remember that my choices have the power to impact generations to come; either positively or negatively. May my decisions not be made merely from the perspective of how they affect me; but in consideration of how they may either help or hinder your higher purpose.
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Gary Parker