Joshua 2

ScriptureJoshua 2:1111 No wonder our hearts have melted in fear! No one has the courage to fight after hearing such things. For the Lord your God is the supreme God of the heavens above and the earth below.ObservationWe often talk of God’s love…so big, so great, so expansive, so forgiving.  However, this same God is ALL POWERFUL – powerful to heal and provide, yes…but also powerful to reconcile and even destroy. The spies are sent to Jericho to “scout the land.”  They discover that the land is full of fear, dread and panic.  The people in and around Jericho have heard how the Lord dried up the waters of the Red Sea and destroyed the Amorite kings…the same Lord that I call my comforter and healer and provider was seen by these people as something to be feared BUT in that, they recognized that God was all powerful and reigned “supreme.”UnderstandingWe get a picture here that God’s will WILL be done. Exodus 14The Pharaoh played games with God’s people – first holding them captive as slaves, brutalizing them, then going back and forth about whether or not he would let them go free.  Then when he finally let them go, they chased after them through the parted Red Sea and essentially got swallowed up and drowned by the sea once the Israelites had safely made their way through.Numbers 21Sihon refused to let the Israeliltes pass through his country. In response, Israel fought them and took their land.Then Og – the last of the giants – tried to oppose them and were “utterly destroyed.”Romans 8:31 - What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us?There is no doubt that God is WITH the Israelites and there seems to be little doubt in anyone’s mind that if they seek to take over Jericho, it will be done.Life ApplicationSo, what does all this mean for me/us today?  As I’m reading this, two things come to mind.  First, I don’t know about you, but I want to be on God’s side in any battles; opposing Him does not seem to bode well for those who choose that path.  Second, I must be diligent in seeking out the lost who may currently be on the “wrong side” of those battle lines.  Though we may not be suiting up and physically walking into battle today, there is definitely a spiritual battle taking place all around us.  Am I doing may part to win lost souls for Him?  Am I doing it to the best of my abilities?Heavenly Father, may my heart be on fire to serve you and you alone.  Furthermore, may I see through your eyes – as I see lost souls, may I be open to being used to win them to you.  Keep me ready, keep me humble.  May I remember that there is nothing more important during my time here on Earth than this.  Use me today.  Amen.  To check out the discussion or to join in click here.- Rei

Joshua 3


Joshua 1