Joshua 10

    Joshua 10:14 There has never been a day like it before or since, a day when the Lord listened to a human being. Surely the Lord was fighting for Israel!


After hearing of the Israelite’s defeat of Ai and their treaty with the Gibeonites, Adoni-Zedek, king of Jerusalem, petitions the kings of four surrounding cities to join him in attacking Gibeon. The Gibeonites send word to Joshua for aid against the attack and, with the Lord’s promise of victory; he musters the army of Israel to fight against the five kings. As promised, the Lord fights for Israel by throwing their enemies into confusion before them and raining down hailstones upon them as they retreat. Inspired by the victory and no doubt the Spirit of God, Joshua commands the sun to stand still in order to prolong the day so that his victory over the Amorites might be complete. God listens to Joshua and the army of Israel routs its enemies; killing the five kings and conquering the Southern cities.

UnderstandingThat a holy God would listen to a sinner like me is no less a miracle now than it was considered to be by the writer of Joshua.

It does me good to read how amazed the writer of Joshua was that the Living God would listen to a man. His amazement at such a thing causes me to newly appreciate that I enjoy the unhindered access to God that was unheard of in the OT dispensation. What was, in its time, a once in a lifetime event is a daily occurrence in the lives of NT believers. The Word of God is full of scripture that invites me to come boldly to the throne of God, to cast all of my anxieties on Christ because He cares for me and to, in all things, by petition and prayer, bring my requests before God so that I may receive well timed help. Because Christ is the only mediator between God and man and because He lives to intercede on my behalf, unlike the writer of Joshua who wondered at a one-time event, I enjoy access to, and fellowship with, Almighty God at any time and for all time.

Life ApplicationSo…I have unhindered invitation and access to God’s presence. Do I take it for granted or do I take full advantage of it?

Lord, inspire me to remember the cost at which you purchased access to your presence so that I may value it properly and take full advantage of the reason for which you provide it. May I remember that you incline your ears to my prayers and, if they originate from your throne, they will be in perfect alignment with your will; then I will see them answered in miraculous ways – in my life and circumstances and the lives of those for whom I pray.
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Gary Parker

Joshua 11


Joshua 9