Joshua 18
ScriptureJoshua 18:3 So Joshua said to the Israelites: “How long will you wait before you begin to take possession of the land that the Lord, the God of your ancestors, has given you?”Observation - What does it say?The Israelites had only taken partial possession of the promised land. Although they had conquered and destroyed many cities and peoples and the country was under their control (verse 1), there was still much of the land yet to be taken. Joshua challenges Israel to stop waiting to take possession of it.Understanding - What does it mean?It is important not to delay taking hold of the fullness of what God has promised. As I read this, I felt challenged to not grow content or complacent. It is so easy to look at all God has blessed me with and all the great things I have experienced with him and to lose my sense of passion and hunger to pursue more. Today I hear the challenge to battle luke-warmness. "How long until you fight to take hold of all God has promised?"I am reminded that no matter how great past experiences with God have been, how clearly I've heard his voice or how significantly he's used me in the lives of others, I've only scratched the surface of what God has made available!I don't perfectly resemble or represent Jesus yet. The mission has not been completed. The harvest is still plentiful and the workers still few. I haven't reached the depth of intimacy with God that he has invited me to enjoy. How could I slow my pursuit now? Like the Israelites, we would have to be fools to stop now and settle for only part of what God has promised.Life ApplicationTake hold of God and his promises!God, forgive my complacency. I choose today to go after you and to cry out to you for more! Fill us, your church, with greater passion and hunger for your kingdom to invade the earth. Consume our hearts and thoughts with a vision of what you desire to do in us and through us. Amen.To check out the discussion or to join in click here. - Levi Thompson