Judges 10

ScriptureJudges 10:13-1413 But you have forsaken me and served other gods, so I will no longer save you. 14 Go and cry out to the gods you have chosen. Let them save you when you are in trouble!”ObservationTrue to the theme of Judges, we find the Israelites in another one of their cycles.  They once again turned from God and began serving other gods and, once again, find themselves oppressed.  They cry out to God but he’s had enough.Understanding
The Ten Commandments (Exodus 20) are fresh in our mind from our current sermon series; so I’m sure a couple hand signals are coming to mind. :)  The first two commandments speak to the fact that God desires that we “have no other gods before me” (v. 3) and that we shall not make for ourselves any idols or “bow down…or worship them” for he is “a jealous God” (v. 4).  As we know, though, that’s exactly
what Israel has done.  And this time when they call out to God, He essentially tells them to call your other gods. 

While God is perfect and we are not, this is such a relatable moment for our human nature.  Having people betray you or let you down over and over again is frustrating and exhausting.  So when he throws out the “Go and cry out to the gods you have chosen. Let them save you when you are in trouble!” I am reminded that I am made in His image.  Those feelings I’ve felt in moments of frustration are feelings that God has felt. The next few verses, though, reveal His perfect, redeeming love and forgiveness… 15 But the Israelites said to the Lord, “We have sinned. Do with us whatever you think best, but please rescue us now.” 16 Then they got rid of the foreign gods among them and served the Lord. And he could bear Israel’s misery no longer. Though it may not be 100% clear here, if we read on, we find that when they repent – getting “rid of the foreign gods among them and serv[ing] the Lord – God does forgive them sets them up to once again be freed from their oppressors. Life ApplicationSuch a beautiful story of God’s love for His people.  We learn that…

  • As we are made in His image – the emotions we feel, he has felt.
  • That, despite how many times we fail and mess things up, we serve a God who forgives.
  • That His forgiveness is freely given but it is contingent on our repentance.
  • We’ve got quite the example of love and forgiveness to live up to. :)

Father God, thank you for your crazy amazing love!  Thank you for setting a personal example of how to love and forgive others.  Help me to see others the way you see them, to be your hands and feet in a world that needs your love and to practice forgiveness the way you’ve called us to.   Show me the areas that I’ve harbored unforgiveness towards others and help me to release it. Show me the ways that I may frustrate you by my own disobedience, where I’ve replaced my worship of you with mere idols that could never rescue or fulfill me in the way that you do.  As I go out today, give me a greater understanding and awareness of how to serve you better – both in my own life and in how I encounter others.  In your precious, powerful and holy name.  Amen.To check out the discussion or to join in click here.- Rei


Judges 11


Judges 9