John 10

ScriptureJohn 10:12-1312 The hired hand is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it. 13 The man runs away because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep.Observation - What does it say?After healing a man born blind on the Sabbath, Jesus is confronted by the Pharisees. He begins teaching them about how he is different from them through an analogy about a shepherd, a gate and some sheep. At one point, Jesus says he is the good shepherd (verse 11) and that he lays down his life for his sheep. He contrasts himself with a hired hand. The hired hand doesn’t own the sheep so he isn’t willing to risk his safety to protect them. Instead, he abandons them when a predator comes, only interested in saving himself. Understanding - What does it mean?Jesus is our Good Shepherd! It’s no wonder the sheep choose to follow him! They know he won’t abandon them for anything. As a matter of fact, he is willing to lay down his life before he would allow them to be destroyed. This is obviously a picture of the cross. What an amazing Savior we have! He didn't run away to save his own life. Instead, moved by his love for us, he gave it all! And Paul reminds us…Romans 8:32 He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?
The cross was not just an isolated event. It was a revelation of the unchanging heart of God toward his children. The same love the Good Shepherd had for his sheep that moved him to lay down his life, is the same love that moves him to graciously give us all things.

The Pharisees acted like hired hands. They cared nothing for the people. Jesus previously called them out for demanding much of the people they led but not being willing to lift a finger to help them. They were in it for what they could get out of it, not because they had genuine concern or care for the people. The complete opposite kind of leader than Jesus.Life ApplicationFollow him! And, be like him!

Jesus, once again, this morning, I declare that I choose to follow you. It isn’t a burden to listen to your voice and follow, it’s a joy! Because, I know how good you are and how much you love me! Thank you for your great concern for us and for laying your life down! Help us to stick close to you. And, help us to be like you. May we have great concern for each other, not acting like hired hands, but like you; willing to lay our lives down for each other. Amen.
- Levi Thompson
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John 11


John 9