John 12


John 12:3Then Mary took about a pint of pure nard, an expensive perfume; she poured it on Jesus’ feet and wiped his feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.


It is six days before the Passover upon which Jesus will become God’s perfect paschal lamb. In the scenes presented in this chapter, Jesus is anointed by Mary, to the self-serving objection of Judas, and He makes His triumphal entry into Jerusalem, welcomed by the messianic proclamations of, “Hosanna!” and in fulfillment of messianic prophecy. His appearance, words and past miracles have the crowd divided and the Pharisees plotting His death. Jesus predicts His death and welcomes it that God may be glorified. This obedience and surrender is validated by the very voice of God, heard as thunder or the voice of an angel to those in attendance. Within Jesus’ statements to the crowd, He again proclaims Himself to be God in the flesh (v45).

It seems like every time I encounter Mary in the pages of scripture, she is at the feet of Jesus. In Luke 10:39, she is learning at the feet of The Master. In John 11:32, Mary falls at Jesus’ feet in total surrender. Here, Mary is at Jesus feet to anoint, honor and prepare Him for His burial and she is present at the foot of the Cross as Jesus dies for the sins of the world. I am reminded that Jesus described Mary’s position at His feet as “the most excellent thing” and in the Gospel of Mark, Jesus proclaims that, “wherever the gospel is preached in the whole world, what this woman has done will also be told as a memorial to her”. It is no doubt that this intimacy and devotion is what kept her faithful to her Lord when all others fled, and what earned her the honor of being the first to behold the resurrected Christ, where she again falls at His feet in wonder and adoration.

Life Application

The safest place where I can be found is at the feet of Jesus. It is there where, like Mary, I will learn; where I can develop trust and humility and where I can worship Him in spirit and truth with the (costly) sacrifice of praise. It is through times of intimacy with Jesus that I am transformed and allowed to experience deeper knowledge, understanding and revelation of who Jesus is, what His will is for my life and how I may honor and serve Him – a privilege not experienced by those who follow Jesus from afar or for their own motives.

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-Gary Parker

John 13


John 11