John 16

ScriptureJohn 16:1, 331 “All this I have told you so that you will not fall away.33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”Observation                                       John 16 continues Jesus’ farewell sermon to the disciples. He warns them of the troubles to come, what they can expect in His absence; but He also provides hope – letting them know “the Advocate” will come in His place, He would visit them again at His resurrection, that He will provide peace, that He is returning to his Father and, finally, that despite worldly troubles, they will have peace for He has overcome the world.UnderstandingBeginnings and endings are powerful things. In this farewell discourse, Jesus begins and ends with hope and intention and encouragement.  He shares openly about what will come so His disciples will not be surprised, caught off guard and, ultimately, so “that [they] will not fall away.”  I think this shows God’s heart and consistency with us as His children.  Though we may go through ups and downs, He desires that we stay the course.And then, as He ends His farewell, He reminds us again “you will have trouble;” but, along with those expected troubles, we are reminded of His strength, His peace and His victory.Life ApplicationDear Lord, thank you for sending your Son.  Thank you setting fair and honest expectations of our walk as Christ-followers…that, yes, there will be trouble.  But, in that trouble, we are never alone, never forsaken.  Thank you for encouraging us, for sending your Holy Spirit to us, for allowing us to feel your presence…that we may know your peace, we may experience your victory.  And, most of all, thank you for the cross that makes all of these things possible.May we live victoriously, live peacefully, live a way that refreshes the spirits of those around us.  Use us!  Give us opportunities to share your love and your Word with those around us today…so that many more may come to know your peace and victory!  In your name, I pray.  Amen.To check out the discussion or to join in click here.- Rei

John 17


John 15