January 6: Abel: Worshiping in Faith
Abel Obtained Righteousness
The only thing that obtained righteousness for Abel was that, in faith, He did what God told him to do. That is the only thing that changes a man's relationship to God. It is not how good we are, but whether or not we trust in Him, that counts with God. That trust is evidenced in obedience to His Word.
- 'If you abide in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine'" (John 8:31).
The people Jesus was speaking to believed Him, but they had not yet trusted in Him, which Jesus said would be marked by obedience to His word. Obedience does not bring faith, but faith will always bring obedience and the desire to live righteously.We cannot claim to have faith in God and then continually disregard His Word. James must have known some people who thought this way, for he wrote,
- "What use is it, my brethren, if a man says he has faith, but he has no works? Can that faith save him?...Faith, if it has no works, is dead, being by itself" (James 2:14, 17).
Nonworking faith, disobedient faith, is not saving faith. It is not valid faith at all. Cain believed that God exists. Even the demons believe this, James goes on to say.
- "But are you willing to recognize, you foolish fellow, that faith without works is useless?" (2:19-20).
James was not teaching salvation by works. He is saying that our faith is only real when it issues in works. We cannot work our way to God, but having come to Him, works will become evident—and prove that our faith is genuine.
Claims of being a Christian are empty if they aren’t accompanied by a life that is actually following Jesus.I’m reminded of 1 John 2:6: Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did.
Evaluate my life in light of this truth. Am I truly living as Jesus did? Am I living to bring glory to God in all I say and do? Am I humbly spending my life on others or on myself? Am I obeying God’s word even when it’s extremely difficult?God, it is my desire to not just profess faith in you, but to truly be like Jesus. Please reveal to us the areas of our lives that aren’t consistent with the faith we profess. Transform us into the image of your Son and may we grow in expressing our love for you and others. Amen.