January 14 - Noah Rebuked the World



  • Hebrews 11:7b By faith Noah... condemned the world.


Noah's obedience included his passing on to the rest of the world God's message of coming judgment. God called Noah to preach while he built. The preaching was probably more difficult than the building. Hard jobs are always easier to deal with than hard people.

The times in which Noah grew up were among the most evil and corrupt in history.

  • "The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually" (Gen. 6:5).

If any man had reason to regret the time in which he lived it was Noah. But he did not complain about when he was born, his lot in life, or his calling. He obeyed as he was and where he was.

Noah's job was to warn the people of his time that God would soon judge them because of their wickedness and unbelief. They had had the same opportunity to know God and His will as had Noah. The difference between Noah and everyone around him was not a difference in the amount of light but a difference in response to it.

Noah must have been tempted to make excuses about his qualifications for preaching and boat building. Surely Satan suggested to him more than once that he had plenty of time to build the ark "later." One hundred and twenty years gives a great deal of opportunity for procrastination. But Noah did not make excuses or procrastinate; he simply preached and built, just as he was called to do. Amidst ridicule, wickedness, long years with little evidence of success, and many unanswered questions, Noah obeyed and obeyed and continued to obey.


What is God saying to me?

Noah’s response to God in building the Ark had no grounds for obedience except trust in God. He believed God when He said that there would be rain and a flood even though there was no prior evidence to support that. And in building the Ark Noah preached. The Ark was his pulpit. People probably came from miles around to see this monstrosity that Noah was building in his backyard and it most likely led to Noah being able to tell them of God’s impending judgement. But that all laughed. It is as MacArthur says…the difference between Noah and everyone around him was not a difference in the amount of light but a difference in response to it. Because of Noah the people who came to see the Ark knew as much about what was going to happen as Noah did – they chose not to respond.

In building the ark, Noah condemned the world. It was not his intention to do so but by acting on the knowledge that he had (and which everyone else had) Noah condemned them for their sin and disobedience.

My actions of faith is a proclamation to others about God as well as a condemnation. I must be obedient to God, because that step of faith in every aspect of my walk with God, proclaims God’s truth to the world around me. When I proclaim it and continue to do it it, it forces the people around me to make a decision, they too must respond in faith or not.

Our actions regarding God’s ways are both a proclamation and a condemnation to the world around us.Are we preachers of righteousness?

Are you making excuses and rationalizations for why you cannot walk in faith and obedience?

Are you waiting for the perfect time to begin “building the Ark?”

Life Application

What will I do about it?

Live in obedience to God so that my life is a testimony of the reality and power of God.

No complaining about what I am going through because these moments of trials and disappointments are simply opportunities for God’s power and glory to be demonstrated in me and through me.

Lord I choose to put on my tool belt and get on with the task of building the Ark that you have asked me to build because it is a opportunity to declare you to the nations even if they are non-responsive. My job is obedience.
-Pastor Gary
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Supplemental Reading:  Psalm 32

January 16 - The Pilgrimage of Faith


January 13 - Noah Obeying In Faith