Daniel 11


ScriptureDaniel 11:32-3532 With flattery he will corrupt those who have violated the covenant, but the people who know their God will firmly resist him.33 “Those who are wise will instruct many, though for a time they will fall by the sword or be burned or captured or plundered. 34 When they fall, they will receive a little help, and many who are not sincere will join them. 35 Some of the wise will stumble, so that they may be refined, purified and made spotless until the time of the end, for it will still come at the appointed time.Observation                                       Rei’s real talk here…my only observation as I read this was that kingdoms run without God are a hot mess.We see a lot of rise and fall of kingdoms throughout this chapter; but you’ll note there’s not mention of God (until vs. 32); in fact, more than once, it speaks of kings and invaders “doing as [they] please” (v. 3, 16 and 36).  And...the outcome is, well, messy!UnderstandingIn short, people had become selfish, self-promoting and seemed to be acting without a true sense of purpose.  However, even in the midst of the seeming madness, the people of God were set apart.  They were able to resist the flattery (v 32).  If/when they stumbled, it was that they may be “refined, purified and made spotless” (v 35).As I look around current day affairs, the picture doesn’t seem too different.  Would you agree?  There’s a lot of self-promoting going on...a lot of people “doing as they please.” I can admit that I’ve even shared in those sentiments with phrases like “be true to you!”  Granted, as Christ-follower I believe that we are created uniquely with God-given gifts to use for His honor and glory; but that can quickly get side swept if there’s not relationship with God and regular accountability with fellow Christ-followers. Without Christ at the center, though, we can quickly find ourselves in the same hot mess (if you will) that we see throughout this chapter – fallen, deceived, riches stolen and dispersed, betrayed and destroyed.Life ApplicationDear God, forgive me for the times I take you off the seat of the throne of my heart to do as I please.  May I be as consistent in the way that I seek and serve you as you are in the way that you love me…remembering that even when I stumble, you can refine me, purify me and make me spotless.  Purified and refined, may my life be a witness to those who have not yet made a decision to follow you. 
Love you lots!  Amen. 
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Daniel 12


Daniel 10